We like to believe that nothing will happen to us, but there is always that element of risk which brings up that same old question, ‘What If?’
From today’s episode of Business Buzz wit Amit Rathi, we understood that the need to buy term insurance could vary from person to person, but is by far the most significant financial decision one could take after opening a bank account.
Our priorities are changing and so is our tendency to save. We don’t think too much before spending. That trip to Singapore and that sleek phone seem irresistible? Saving is an absolute necessity and all we ever say is that we’ll start tomorrow.
If you are the only bread earner of your family, term insurance is very important. In case something happens to you, the term insurance policy will take care of your family’s expenses. This prevents the formation of a financial vacuum in your absence and your family can carry on.
Unlike old times, families are nuclear these days. If you don’t get yourself a term insurance, things can get really difficult for your family in your absence.