A feature film based on Narayan Debnath's iconic characters – ‘Nonte Fonte’ is currently in production, with a screenplay written by Amlan Majumder. The film will feature a series of talented actors including veteran actor Paran Bandhopadhyay, Amlan Majumdar, Subhasish Mukherjee, Sumit Samaddhar, Lama, Kanchana Maitra, Biswajit Chakraborty, Parthasarothi Dev, Pulokita, Soham Basu Ray Chowdhury, Soham Basu, Krishna Banerjee, Manojyoti Mukherjee, Nimai Ghosh and others.
This will be the first Bengali film featuring the iconic characters ‘Nonte Fonte’ created by the writer late Narayan Debnath who has created one of the most famous Bengali comic strips including – Handa Bhonda, Bantul The Great and everyone’s favourite Nonte Fonte. Fans of Bengali cinema are eagerly looking forward to seeing their favourite comic book characters come to life on the silver screens.
The film's director, Anirban Chakraborty, along with the talented actor and writer Amlan Majumdar and the popular actress Kanchana Maitra recently interacted with Jiyo Bangla on its exclusive segment 'Tolly Kotha' and discussed the making of the movie. The team shared exciting details about the story and the making of the film, which is all set to release on May 19th.
Catch Team ‘Nonte Fonte’ exclusively on Jiyo Bangla!