Methods to boost testosterone levels in the body.

Testosterone is an important hormone for the human body. But we feel very embarrassed to discuss this topic. Here’s Urologist and Andrologist Dr. Prabir Basu has advised on testosterone hormone…

Nowadays, male erectile dysfunction is becoming a major problem in every household. But many men feel embarrassed to discuss this issue. In this case, if women alert men about this issue and push them to consult with a doctor, the men will feel less embarrassed and can easily find solutions to their problems.

We usually refer to testosterone as a male hormone only. But current research shows that testosterone plays an important role for women as well. Brain function, bone function, and heart function depend on testosterone. But if testosterone levels are low in the body, male sexuality declines, and erectile dysfunction can occur.

But if the problems arise, there is no need to be afraid and consult an experienced doctor. If the problem is early, it can be cured very easily.

How can testosterone levels be increased in the body?

To increase this hormone in the body, the first thing needed is expert advice. Many who consume tonics to increase testosterone, reduce the body's natural ability to produce the hormone.

Here are some habits that increase testosterone levels:

  1. Diet (Protein, fat, and carbohydrates)
  2. Exercise
  3. Vitamin D, Zinc, Selenium
  4. Meditation

However, this hormone plays a significant role in women's bodies as well. In this case, vaginal dryness, decreased sexuality, and decreased strength in bones and muscles can occur. In such cases, testosterone is beneficial for them.


How does this type of problem affect lifestyle?

When testosterone levels are low in the body, sleep problems arise. It causes not only physical but also mental damage.

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