Director Abhijit Chowdhury has come up with his new web-series ‘Johny Bony’ where the name of the protagonist happens to be Janardan Das aka Johnny who dreams to solve mysteries. The trailer of the web-series was launched recently. Actor Debashish Mandal plays the character of Johny and his dream is to solve a case. Bonnie on the other hand is a little boy who dreams to win a chess tournament. Apart from actor Debashish Mandal, the series also casts Ankit Majumdar, Kamleswar Mukherjee, Lokenath Dey, Anirban Bhattacharya, Yudhajit Sarkar, Shubasmita Mukhopadhyay, Pushpita Mukhopadhyay, Jayati Chakraborty, Abhyuday Dey and Tushita Bandyopadhyay in important roles. The web-series is produced by 'Milky Way Films'.