How to fix bad posture: how to fix bad posture when sitting?

Many people are not aware of the correct posture for sitting. Due to poor posture, many individuals face various neurological problems and neurogenic pain. PT Neuro Physiotherapist Dr. Oindrila Choudhury shared solutions to these issues.

We engage in various activities throughout the day. Every task has a specific correct posture, but we don’t follow that. There are various nerve functions surrounding our bones. When these nerves get compressed by bones, it leads to neurological problems. However, if we are aware of these correct postures, we can avoid pain.


Pain is the main symptom of neurological issues. It is categorized into various types, such as neuro pain, joint pain, bone pain, muscle pain, etc. Additionally, symptoms like shaking of the fingers can also be indicators of this problem.


There are different postures for different tasks, and it is very essential to make a habit of the correct postures. However, standing for long periods can also be harmful to our bodies.

We should always sit upright at a 90-degree angle while sitting. It might not always be possible to maintain this habit, but every half hour later, if we are conscious about our sitting, It can help to develop this habit over time.

It is also important to follow the correct posture while sleeping. The first 30 minutes of sleep is crucial for our health, and at that time, we should maintain the right posture. Additionally, It is important to sleep on the right pillow.

Children’s neurological problems:

Children around one or two years old sit in a "W" position. This way of sitting can weaken their core muscles. Moreover, for long periods carrying heavy bags to school, can lead to neurological problems at a young age.

Work from home:

Since the COVID-19 pandemic, many people have been working from home. For that, we work in sitting for long times can lead to various issues, including neurological problems.

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