How Can You Distinguish Between Gas Pain And A Heart Attack? Everything Explained By Dr. Raja Ray In Detail

How can you understand gas pain or heart attack symptoms? How can you be careful by understanding the type of pain? Consultant interventional cardiacologist Dr. Raja Ray gave the details.

According to him, in recent years, there has been a growing awareness among people about various health issues, especially those related to the heart. However, there are still prevalent misconceptions, particularly among Indians and Bengalis, regarding chest pain. It is crucial to distinguish between the discomfort caused by gas and that originating from heart problems, as misjudgment can have severe consequences, even leading to fatalities.

Chest pain due to heart issues is not always located on the left side, as commonly believed. In reality, heart-related pain can manifest in various ways, and it may occur on either the left or right side. The type of pain can vary significantly. It can be a gripping, burning sensation or a dull ache. Therefore, assuming that chest pain is always linked to heart problems can be misleading.

Gas-related chest pain, on the other hand, often presents as a sharp, stabbing pain, akin to a localised cramp. This discomfort may be exacerbated by indigestion, and it's important to note that the underlying cause is different from heart-related pain. Acid reflux can also contribute to gas-related chest discomfort.

As one reaches their forties, the likelihood of heart issues increases. Thus, if an adult experiences chest pain, it should not be taken lightly. Symptoms such as shortness of breath, excessive sweating, or radiating pain in the arms or shoulders are red flags. Delaying medical attention in such cases can be risky, as prompt treatment is crucial.

Chest pain can manifest differently for individuals. It may be localised in the middle of the chest or radiate around the chest and back. Any persistent chest pain should be taken seriously, as it could indicate a potentially life-threatening condition. Factors such as age, lifestyle, and pre-existing conditions like obesity, smoking, sedentary jobs, and excessive device usage can contribute to heart problems.

Regular health check-ups are essential, especially after the age of forty. These check-ups should include cholesterol tests, uric acid tests, and blood pressure monitoring, particularly for those with diabetes. Early detection of heart issues can significantly improve the chances of successful treatment.

In conclusion, it is vital to differentiate between gas-related chest pain and heart-related discomfort. Misunderstanding these symptoms can have serious consequences. With increased awareness and regular health check-ups, we can better protect ourselves and our loved ones from heart-related issues. Don't let chest pain go ignored; it might just save a life.

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