A new web-series ‘Dakghor’ directed by Abhrajit Sen will be soon released on the OTT platform. The plot of the series revolves around the infamous village of Hagda and its post office. A new post master has arrived at the Hagda village and the series revolves around him and the stories related to him. Actors Ditipriya Roy, Suhotra Mukhopadhyay and Kanchan Mallick have played the lead roles in the series. This is for the first time that actors Ditipriya Roy and Suhotra Mukhopadhyay have teamed up for a web series.
Ditipriya plays the role of Manjari and she is the postmaster Damodar Das’ love affair. Suhotra Mukherjee is playing the character of Damodar Das. The story of the series ‘Dakghor’ is written by Padmanava Dasgupta. The trailer was released a few days back and it has grabbed the attention of the audience. Though ‘Dakghor’ brings back memories of Rabindranath Tagore’s ‘Dakghor’ and ‘Postmaster’, this is a complete original story which revolves around the village of Hagda and its postmaster. This happens to be director Abhrajit Sen’s debut web-series; he has worked as an associate for director Srijit Mukherjee and Anjan Dutta earlier.