Lokkhikantopur Local: Ram Kamal Mukherjee's next film ‘Lokkhikantopur Local’ – Find out the full details.

‘Lokkhikantopur Local’ brings together renowned stars from the Bengali film industry, including Rituparna Sengupta, Kaushik Ganguly, Paoli Dam, Chandrayee Ghosh, Indranil Sengupta, Sangita Sinha, Shaurya Bhattacharya, Sayani Ghosh, Rajnandini Pal, and Debasish Mondal.

Editor's Desk

Hitting Ground `Zero’

First Day, First Show with Shahrukh Khan Fan Club

Rules of the Road

On the 2nd anniversary of Kolkata's `Safe Drive, Save Life' campaign, taking a look at the genesis and evolution of traffic rules.