Yoga Boosting Fertility and Sperm Quality

Consistency in yoga is awfully significant for improving the sperm quality and fertility level in men. In today’s world, most of the men are struggling with infertility and other such complications. Do you know that the solution can be simply yoga?

“The quality of genetic components in the sperm are vital for the birth of healthy offspring,” said Dr. Rima Dada, professor-in-charge of Laboratory of Molecular Reproduction and Genetics, Department of Anatomy at AIIMS. Daily workouts can improve the sperm quality.

One of the major cause of DNA damage is the oxidative strain. There can be many other reasons causing this problem like alcohol consumption, smoking, pollution, electromagnetic radiation, etc. Simple practices and slight modifications in the lifestyle of men can eradicate infertility to a greater extent.

Yoga heightens brain activity and helps you stay hale and hearty. Peace of mind can help you solve problems like depression and unsolicited anxiety. This inevitably solves age-related problems and boosts the sperm quality and fertility in men.

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