Which country has the most trees in the world?

We are accelerating environmental destruction by cutting down trees day after day. But do you know how many trees there are on Earth and which region has the most?

Geologists estimate that forests cover about 38% of the world's habitable land surface, roughly 26% of the total land area. There are around 3.04 trillion trees on our Earth. The Amazon Rainforest in South America over approximately 9.8 million square kilometers. It is the largest rainforest globally, and research indicates that about 10% of the world’s biodiversity, is found in this rainforest.

According to the World Forest Map, Russia is the country with the most trees, boasting about 815 million hectares of forest.

However, the reality is that in the name of urban development, millions of trees are being cut down every day, which poses a severe threat to wildlife and the environment. This problem requires immediate attention.

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