Wallet Colour decides Financial Status

Everyone wants to be rich and have a successful and healthy life. There are many Feng Shui practitioners who can guide you in the best possible manner. Feng Shui, in fact, monitors all your problems and provides solutions to them. But it is not possible for everyone to make architectural changes. Therefore, they have come forward with some economical version of it.

Changing the colour of your wallet can change your luck to some extent. It is necessary to put your wallet in a safer place.

  1. Red is actually the luckiest and the most auspicious colour in feng shui but keeping a red wallet can make you a big spender.
  2. Black is the colour that attracts maximum money to your wallet. This colour has a separate vibe altogether.
  3. Do you know that gold is closely related to luxury? Therefore, carrying a golden wallet can ensure more money.
  4. Silver and white also hold money. So if you are choosy, then you can try these colours.
  5. As brown, beige and yellow are known to all as earth colours, they safeguard your money.
  6. If you think yourself to be a big spender, try to use a brown-coloured wallet. This is the best option for people who want stability in the financial ground.


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