NRE Pageant India organized the National Pageant India 2019 which began on July 18 and culminated on July 20 at Novotel, Kolkata. This is the third year that this pageant is being held, but this year, they have a very special cause attached to the event. TLTE, which stands for ‘Transforming Lives Through Excellence’ had been the power partner who has been associated with CSR events that can make a difference and champion change. Keeping in tune with that, in a first this year, along with miss and Mr. National Pageant India there was also a National Pageant India - Rainbow walking the ramp together at the NPI. A pageant that celebrated inclusivity and diversity by offering a common platform that cuts across gender, age, and sexual preference.
The special attractions of the event were: Miss, Mr and Rainbow contestants walking the ramp at the same time.
The celebrity-walk, where Consul Generals and Deputy High Commissioners, diplomats, and celebrities from Kolkata walked the ramp to show their support for this unique pageant.
On July 18 participants visited St Joseph Old Age Home on AJC Bose Road in Central Kolkata. The cultural event by the participants started off with a beautiful Tagore creation ‘Bodo Asha Kore’ and then went on to perform some evergreen songs of Bollywood. The residents also joined the participants and danced to the tunes of Bollywood. The participants then served and fed dinner to the residents.
On July 19 the great semi-final and sub-titles were held at the Meghalaya House. Participants showcased their talents and unique capabilities and fought for their place in the finals in front of dignitaries from Kolkata and Meghalaya.
On July 20 was the grand finale. Participants fought for the title of National Pageant India – Miss, National Pageant India – Mr, National Pageant India – Rainbow, National Pageant India – Miss Teen, National Pageant India – Mr. Teen, National Pageant India – Mrs. Classic and National Pageant India – Mr. Classic. The event was opened by Bruce Bucknell, British Deputy High Commissioner, Kolkata and the Chief Guest of the event Prestone Tynsong, Deputy Chief Minister of Meghalaya.
Bucknell reiterated the UK’s commitment to inclusion and diversity and in promoting and protecting LGBT rights globally in his opening address at the NPI 2019.