Director Arghadeep Chatterjee’s next ‘Mukhosh’, revolves around the mystery of a missing woman. The thriller stars Shantilal Mukherjee, Rajatava Dutta, Paayal Sarkar, Prantik Banerjee and debutante actress Amrita Halder in lead. Recently, the poster of this movie was launch.On 20th December, Mukhosh’s music was launch.
The story of this thriller revolves around a young girl’s complaint about her missing elder sister. Amrita (the Protagonist of the story) doubts her sister’s husband Rajatava, is somehow responsible behind her sister’s disappearance. The beautiful Paayel Sarkar essays the role of Rajatava’s love interest. When we asked about her character, Paayal said, “This one is a total different character for sure. Previously audience saw me as a cute, sweet character but not this one. She ain’t sweet. I have worked with Rony da and Shalilal da they are brilliant human beings and great actors. It’s really good to work with Arghadeep too.” Shantital Mukherjee will be seen as a tough cop who will be investigating the case. Speaking about the trailer, audience can’t figure much about the plot of the story. Director Arghadeep have successful created the thrill ambiance and kept the suspense intact. Madhura Palit, the DOP of this movie created a mysterious ambiance. Most of the scenes have been shot in low light, to create a grim ambiance that undoubtedly bring the best of the film.
Speaking about the director, Chatterjee said, “The music will give you subarctic chills, for sure. I am glad the audience gave a positive feedback. I hope they embrace the story-line and appreciate it.” The movie is produced by SSG Entertainment.