Finally, The Address Of The Konnagar Fire Station Is Going To Change

At first glance, from a distance, it looks like a haunted house. Broken windows and doors; cracks in the wall in several places; No windows or doors; Big banyan branches have grown around the building. There is just a sign hanging outside that suggests that this is actually a fire station. Konnagar's fire Station office has turned into a dilapidated ruin. The building can collapse at any time. Still, the firemen continued to work in the office. The situation is finally improving.


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Finally, the Fire Station is going to get a new office building in a new place with the help of the Konnagar municipality and the people of Konnagar were happy with this initiative by the municipality.

People of all areas under the Uttarpara Assembly get the benefit of this fire department from this fire station located in the area adjacent to GT Road. So, it was decided in the municipality board meeting that land worth several crores of rupees would be handed over to the fire department near the Konnagar railway station area. It is known that in the new office, the communication system in that area is very good. As a result, the fire department will also be able to reach people very quickly in case of danger. By next month, the fire department will receive ownership of the land.

In this regard, Jayanta Chakraborty, a resident of Konnagar, said, "The firemen who rush to people's danger day and night are in danger for a long time. Firefighters have been working from this dilapidated house. Which is very dangerous. As people of Konnagar, no one ever wanted an important department like the fire brigade to move away from here. But now that Konnagar municipality is intervening in this matter, I am very happy."

The head of Konnagar Municipal Corporation, Swapan Das, said, "We have tried and helped in every way so that the fire engine does not move out of Konnagar. Officials of the state government and fire department visited the land. Several plots were shown. Among them, they have chosen land near Konnagar station in the Hume Pipe area. I have leased that land for 99 years, according to the municipal board meeting. Then the fire department will decide when they will build the new office building. For now, so that it does not rise, the municipality has given me land and a house temporarily to carry out the work."

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