Here comes the gripping trailer of “Good Night city”, a psychological drama which is directed by Kamaleshwar Mukherjee. The trailer confirms that the movie is not a thriller, however, the trailer features Ritwick Chakraborty, Saswata Chatterjee, Rituparna Sengupta, Payal Sarkar, Arunima Ghosh, Sayani Ghosh, Sourav Das and others looks no less than a thriller. The trailer gives the sneak-peek of the movie exploring and dealing with the deep and dark psychology of a wanted criminal.
“It’s a story about a man’s psychological disorder, not a typical psychological thriller. It’s a story about his sad journey. We always get confused about who the criminal is and who actually suffers from the mental disorder. I have tried to go deep into the character Abhimanyu and the different shades in it. I will not reveal any more details. You have to see the movie," Kamaleshwar said.