Temperature to go down in 2 days

The temperature of the city of Kolkata is going to go down further below from 15 degree Celsius which is the current temperature. The Meteorological Department predicts that the days of winter may not be over yet and the temperature will continue to fall below the normal between February 6 to 8. The city is enjoying winter for the last three months now, and as it seems it might stay a bit longer. However, Saraswati Puja to be held on 9-10 February may not be that cold, unlike last year. Sanjib Bandyopadhyay, Deputy Director General of Regional Meteorological Centre said, "The minimum temperature on the day of Saraswati Puja should be 15 or 16 °C, which is normal or at least near normal. It will not be very cold like last year”. Bandyopadhyay also talked about 'The Polar Vortex', a cold weather phenomenon which has affected the US for the last few days. He said, "This is not the first time that such a weather condition is occurring in the U.S. It is a phenomenon which has occurred suddenly but it is not here to stay. But Kolkata can breathe a sigh of relief as our country is immune to such freak weather conditions".

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