Styrofoam Recycling Plant To Take Care of Clogged Canals

An initiative has been taken by Mayor Firhad Hakim where he has asked the Indian Plastic Federation (IPF) to set up a pilot styrofoam recycling plant near the city to take care of styrofoam waste. Recently, it has been brought to attention that thermocol or styrofoams are piling up in the canals, especially in the EM Bypass area. Also, copious amounts of the material have been found in the canals and the municipal dump yard at Dhapa.

Styrofoam is used as a packaging material as it is a good buffer and offers protection from damage apart from being used in disposable utensils. Due to its lightweight and recyclable properties, it is extremely useful and hence the ‘IPF', in association with the department of micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSME) will be setting up a plant to recycle styrofoam. Honourable Mayor Firhad Hakim has also urged the MSME entrepreneurs to adopt an e-waste recycling scheme. It is expected that in cooperation with the citizens of the city, the issue would be taken care of and no more thermocols would be found clogging up the canals.

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