Stop nagging start singing

Imagine it’s a bright and sunny morning but you feel stressed out.  You want your soul to feel a little light. To crown it all, you want to release the tension and anxiety from the mind and the body. It comes as no surprise, that we all are bathroom singers, but have you ever thought that Singing can help you release endorphins, which lifts your mood and release oxytocin to help you cope with anxiety.

Here are the surprising benefits of singing. Even though you might be awful at it, don’t be anguished just keep Singing.

Quest for Happiness; Just sing

Feeling lost, depressed, and agitated constantly, hold on, break the ice, and sing your favourite song. You feel so lost that, when you are in stress, you fail to realise that there is term called cortisol; a stress hormone which is your foe. So why give cortisol a chance to steal your happiness. Sing and feel relaxed.

Many voices not just one

Just like laughter is the best medicine singing is the best advice. And to make the advice more happening, you could try singing in groups. There are many organisational groups which help you to connect and sing together. If you can’t find one, you could devise one such group.

High pitch

Please be little louder, do you become excited when there is a hike in your salary? Undoubtedly, you are, delighted. So to sum up, raise your voice while singing because that brings vibration in your inner self which heals you emotionally and physically.

Bond to keep your Immunity system healthy

Who loves having medicines? Yes, that's right, no one. So turn on to something simple and give a flying start to singing.

Shape your concentration

Mind is a box, full of mental clutter. Our mind needs daily care especially when it comes to concentration, memory and mental awareness. Pin down some songs and imbibe it and get the knack of it.

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