In a bid to enhance safety measures, the iconic Vidyasagar Setu, also known as the Second Hooghly Bridge, will undergo extensive repair work during the day, disrupting regular traffic flow. Commencing on the 27th of this month, the bridge will remain closed from 1 PM to 3 PM for maintenance activities, as announced by Kolkata Police.
The closure, unprecedented during daylight hours, aims to expedite repair efforts and ensure the structural integrity of this vital link between Kolkata and Howrah. With thousands relying on the bridge daily for their commutes, the decision underscores the critical importance of maintaining infrastructure to safeguard public safety.
Recent days have seen ongoing repair activities along specific sections of the Second Hooghly Bridge, indicating a proactive approach to infrastructure upkeep. However, the impending closure signifies a concerted effort to address structural concerns comprehensively.
Recognizing the inconvenience posed by the closure, authorities have devised alternate routes to alleviate traffic congestion. Vehicles destined for Howrah from Kolkata will be directed to utilise the Howrah Bridge via Strand Road, offering a feasible detour amidst the temporary closure.
Additionally, stringent safety measures have been prioritised to ensure the well-being of commuters during the repair phase. Swift progress in the repair works on the Second Hooghly Bridge reflects a commitment to maintaining infrastructure reliability while mitigating inconvenience to the public.
As Kolkata braces for the temporary closure of this vital artery, commuters are urged to plan their journeys accordingly, considering the scheduled maintenance window. The proactive approach towards infrastructure upkeep underscores the significance of prioritising public safety and maintaining the integrity of critical transport links.