Vipra Goyal, Founder of Akshvi Aware called for a press conference at the Press Club to make the general public aware about the lesser of Mega projects like Gas, Organic Farming-and more that are in lurch and on hold.
Goyal gave a PPT presentation in front of media. 114 lakh rural families of West Bengal have 70 lakh hectares. The annual average income of 3600 lakh Indian rural farmers who own 16 lakh hectare cultivable lands is 42000 Rupees (approx). Whereas the 3000 lakh farmers of the neighbouring country China who own 1189 lakh hectare cultivable land have an average annual income of more than 4 lakh rupees. The three basic needs of agriculture and its allied sectors are Water, Power, Fertiliser and Fodder. Proper supply of these utilities only can take the annual income up to 9 to 12 lakh Rupees per hectare in agriculture sector. “Using co-generation plants hydrogen Gas can also be produced at a rate of Rs 5 per litre, equivalent to 26,628 litres of petrol per hour. Nuclear Power Plants have been ranked excellent amongst the other available Power supply options in the areas of safety, capacity and terms of trade.”The vision of Vipra Goyal, is that he would soon be able to eradicate the information asymmetry between the five institutions of India and would be able to establish a sustainable positive environment.