Pornomochi: Pubescent fantasy meets reality

The story comes up with a different motive where a teenage boy is hooked into pornography and fails to segregate the make-believe world and realism. This is where Anal gets related to most of the adolescent people today.

“Pornomochi” i,e deciduous tree takes twists and turns in course of time especially when Anal discovers his late father in a relationship with a woman and later on faces a different reality while confronting a truth from his mother too. Pornography, addiction, sex, morality is all the movie deals with.


 “It is high time we concentrate   on the people whose life has just started. Today we are not   concentrating on the x factor of   the young. Let us do something   for those who can get rid of the   falsifications prevailing in the   society. This movie will show a   new beginning and hope to all   keeping aside the predominant   norms and customs” says   Koushik Kar.

 “This character is nowhere   related to me but I feel “Anal” is   present inside all of us, it is just   stowed. Our guardians think   adolescence is the time when a kid should be taken care of at its best. My director has created a beautiful farce where each and every audience will feel that where we are losing ourselves. Our virtual world has become our only identity. So we all thought of doing something that goes absolutely contrary to this.”


Rajorshi Dey, Ankita Chakraborty, Shantilal Mukherjee, Anindya Banerjee, Sumedha Dutta, Koneenica Banerjee, Runa Bandhopadhyay are the other star casts. Music of “Pornomochi” is done by Priyanko and Somiron. Apart from acting in the movie Rabi Ranjan Moitra took due initiative in the editing segment. Saurav Banerjee has done the cinematography in Koushik Kar’s “Pornomochi” produced by Avirup Ghatak.

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