Researchers, practicing Music Therapy agree with the above lines penned by Rihanna. While The Beatles, ABBA, Salil Choudhury, have been therapeutic in their own way to people, music is now used as an alternative form of psychotherapy, to treat emotional and behavioral problems of all age groups. Autism, dementia, depression, infant development, ADHD, pain relief and quality of sleep are some of the areas in which Music Therapy is handy, as per the online scientific journal, Psychology Today. Music Therapy surged into limelight followed by the World Wars, where trained musicians visited soldiers in hospitals to relieve them from the physical and emotional trauma of the war.
The ways in which music therapy can be practiced are either by listening to music that brings about a calm sensation in the client (receptive music therapy) or by indulging in music-making (expressive music therapy). However, it should be done under the guidance of a licensed practitioner, who explains which part of the brain is aroused whilst performing or listening to music.
Aspiring Music Therapists must pass an exam from the Certification Board for Music Therapists. The colleges listed below in India might provide guidance as to which institutes offer the course:
1. Indian Association of Music Therapy, Delhi.
2. MET Institute of Alternative Career (MET IAC), Mumbai.
3. The Chennai School of Music Therapy, Chennai.
4. Nada Centre for Music Therapy, New Delhi.
5. The Music Therapy Trust, New Delhi.