Planky Affair

The plank can be the most efficient way of strengthening your core and improving your posture. It will determine your body capacity and will gradually increase your core strength.

The plank can be tricky if not done with the right technique, which is pretty easy to grasp once you have a yoga mat and your training gear on. The simplest and easiest form of the plank is the forearm plank. In this, you just lie down on your chest keeping your forearms parallel to your body and then lift up yourself with all your strength. Make sure that your head to toe is aligned in a straight line and you’re facing up. Hold the posture for about a minute to three, and voila! Do it regularly in the morning and evening and you’ll get the posture you’ve always desired in a couple of months.



For side plank, from the plank position, press your right hand into the mat and turn your body to your right side, so your weight is on the outer edge of your right foot; stack your left foot on top. Press your torso up and away from the ball and extend your left arm with fingers pointed toward the sky. Tighten your lower-ab muscles and hold for 60 seconds, then return to plank position and repeat on the left side.

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