With the onset of wedding season, Suruchi hosted a ‘Shop with Paoli Dam’ a unique shopping expedition with the bride-to-be. The shopping spree took place at Suruchi’s flagship store with many other excited shoppers, who were enthralled while shopping with Poali herself. On this occasion Mr.Vishal Agarwal owner of Suruchi said,” It gives Suruchi immense pleasure, to be a part of Paoli’s wedding trousseau. In fact here at Suruchi we make sure there is everything available under one-roof to couture a bride on her special day. It is the final hour for last minute wedding shopping hence we have a vast collection, ranging from high end luxury prêt to prêt collection which will cater to the need for every occasion this wedding season.”
With just few time left for her Big Day, Paoli while exploring the collection said,” I feel both excited and exhausted when doing my wedding shopping… there is so much to everything. Especially here in Suruchi there is a wide range of sarees, lehengas, luxury prêt wears and most importantly so many designers under-one roof that, it’s almost a life-decision on what to pick and what to leave.”