No more hassle for the commuters

Kolkata Police recently launched an application for the citizen's safety for the buses running in and around the city. They are planning to set a GPS-setup for the purpose of their being able to track all the buses.

The tracking is being made possible through an app, ‘Chalo’ which the Kolkata Police is coordinating.  Kolkata is not the first city to get this app service, several cities across the countries follow this application. To make this app even more popular among commuters, the Police Department has started advertising it on buses and metros. ‘Download the app for free’, ‘Know where your bus is’, ‘Never miss a bus again’, ‘No more waiting for your bus’- such kind of advertisements creating a buzz within the city. The commuter can check the timetable of the next bus and its exact location. To avoid any road blockage or any unpleasant situation this bus app was launched.

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