Most Educated Countries: Which country is the most educated in the world? What is India's position?

Education is one of the most important steps in our mindset. Surprisingly, 39% of the global population has studied in universities or colleges. But do you know which country is the most educated in the world? And where does India stand?

The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) has published a report on the most educated educated country in the world. In this report, Canada is the most educated country in the world, with 59.96% educated people. Japan is in second place, where 52.68% of people are educated. Luxembourg ranks third. In the list of educated countries, South Korea is in 4th place and Israel is in the 5th. After that, America and Ireland are in 6th and 7th places, respectively. Britain holds the 8th position.

However, India did not make it into the top 10 most educated countries in this report. According to the OECD report, 20.4% of India's population is educated. The rate of people who can enroll and complete courses in colleges, universities, or vocational programs is also very low. However, Kelara is the most educated state in India.

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