Keep your home cool in summer

In this scorching heat, nothing seems to quench the soul. When you step out, and the scorching sun almost drains all the water in you; staying indoors with artificial cooling seems better. You will be relieved of the heat by staying in an air-conditioned room, but this is harmful to nature. As you, all know these artificial cooling machines emit harmful gases, which results in global warming! Jiyo Bangla will tell you some tricks to keep your home cool naturally without harming nature. In addition to keeping your houses and offices clean, these methods will also purify the air you breathe.


Plant less water consuming and air purifying plants 
like Aloe Vera; it is not only known for its medicinal value but also helps in keeping the surrounding temperature low. It helps to prevent the house from overheating. Snake plants, Areca plants, ferns, ficus tree are few plants that act as a natural humidifier, improve air quality and keeps the air temperature low.


Keep your blinds and curtains shut
This blocks the sunlight from entering the house. It will prevent your house from over-heating. Black-out curtains are the best choice for this.


Cover the small air vents with clothes dipped in cold water. This converts the flare of hot air from those small openings into pleasant cool breezes.


Let the evening and night breeze in
This allows the cool and light breeze to enter the house, which pushes out the hot and humid day air out of the house.

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