Ace cricketer and former captain of the Indian cricket team Kapil Dev shared his experiences with children and pepped them up with words of wisdom during his recent visit to The BSS School where he inaugurated the school’s newly-built sports arena.
Interacting with girls of the school, he shared his journey of life and how he became an all-rounder from the 11th batsman.
I was the last batsman but in every match I got a good inning to bat. When you got a good to bat and you perform your number will scale up and up because your performance will speak and the team will start recognizing you. So one day they recognize I can bat also and not only bowl and that’s the time I became all-rounder,
he told to a packed house as students and teachers listened with rapt attention.
He encouraged children to choose games that required physical involvement over sitting and playing on the mobile phone. “New technology brings excitement but you should not forget that physical strength is the most important and requires a few hours on the playground. I am not saying don’t use new technology. Use your brain and use your body to give you more strength for the future. I would say 16-year-old boy or girl doesn’t need exercise but we work out because when we reach 40 this exercise will help us then to stay better and fit. You are studying today but when you reach 50 this education will help you. That’s the way you have to think,” he said.
He added that children should follow their passion but at the same time should have a lot of respect for their parents.
Today’s parents are lot friendlier than what it used to be. If you think you would want to follow your passion in a way which is not conventional and your parents might disagree, you need to sit with them and try to convince them. The only way you can do it is by talking to them,
he said.
Kapil spent about three hours at the school, signed autographs and taking questions from the girls. Children also put up a colorful cultural program during the occasion.