Jalpaiguri Had Brought A Special Café To Revive The Habit Of Reading Books And Gossiping Among The People

Do you know that you can get a cup of coffee only after reading a book and playing chess? Yes, it’s true! A café in Jalpaiguri named ‘Baithek Khana' has become popular among the people of Jalpaiguri. There is no obligation to order food upon entering this cafe. In this way, this cafe has become a favourite place for everyone.


In the digital age, no one can be seen sitting side by side, holding a book, or sipping a cup of tea or coffee. Even if you're reading a book, you will always have a phone in your hand. We are all busy in this digital world in our own way.

So, the owner of the café, Baithek Khana, has taken such an innovative initiative to revive the habit of reading books and chatting among the people. The café also offers stand-up comedy, songs, and storybooks, besides having food delicacies.


The manager of the café, Toton Das, said that such an initiative has been taken to make a normal person into a book lover. In the digital age, people have forgotten to sit side by side and read storybooks. In this café, people can show off their talent by playing chess, singing, reciting, or doing stand-up comedy. There are also many delicious foods to eat. The people of Jalpaiguri have adopted this cafe as their happy place, and they are very happy about it.

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