Indian Cinema: Which Indian movie features 72 songs?

"Indrasabha" occupies a distinctive place in Indian cinema. The film is notable for featuring a total of 72 songs.

In 1932, "Indrasabha" was directed by Jamahadji and Jahangirji Madan. The film includes 31 ghazals, 9 thumris, 4 holis, 15 other songs, 2 chou bolas, and 11 chhands, making a total of 72 songs. It is a milestone in Indian cinema for having the highest number of songs used in a film.

Many renowned artists performed in this film. The subject matter of the film allowed for the inclusion of so many songs. The film starred Nisar, Zehrana Kazan, and Abdul Rehman Kabul.

This film is notable not only for its remarkable number of songs but also for its substantial historical impact on Indian cinema. It reflects the artistic and cultural vibrancy of its era.

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