Health benefits of hibiscus rosa-sinesis

Hibiscus rosa-sinesis, commonly known as hibiscus are very common in every household. Not only are the flowers, the leaves are also quite beneficial for your skin and hair. The flowers are useful for skincare whereas the leaves promote hair growth. Here are few benefits of hibiscus plants:-

  1. It is rich in anti-oxidants that heals the skin from damages caused by UV rays, dust, pollutants, and Hibiscus tea is a good source of anti-oxidants. As a result, it works as a good anti-ageing source.
  2. Studies say that the hibiscus leaves are good for hair growth. Dip 10-15 hibiscus leaves in coconut oil, then leave the mixture for 3-6 weeks in a cool and dark place. Now remove the leaves from the oil by straining. Use the oil for massaging your hair.
  3. Not only anti-oxidants, hibiscus is rich in anti-inflammatory properties as well. It also has vitamin C. Both these substances stop the growth of acne and also clears the marks left by them.
  4. Hibiscus flower helps to boost the level of immunity in your body. As it is rich in Vitamin C, it can cure minor cold-related infections like a sore throat, cough, and
  5. It has anti-bacterial properties as well; it not only heals wounds but also prevents any kind of infection if applied to the wound.

So, go ahead and plant few hibiscus plants in your house and enjoy its natural health benefits for free.

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