Getting Abs without hitting the gym ?? Abs-olutely !

How often did you stare at those shirless bollywood stars and contemplate your own existence?

When you see women swoon over those washboard abs, and you low-key curse them. Well what if someone told you that you could be that too,  (cant gurantee the swooning part here..sorry... thats a different article!) you too can have ripped abs and look flawless at the beach. How ? Well here are 6 easy steps to your rescue...


Next time you have an immense craving for a chocolate chip cookie, and you want to immerse yourself in a chocolaty foodgasm...DONT ! The most important thing people fail to realize, is that in order to get those biscuits to show, you have to let the cookie go. To get ripped abs you have to eat at a caloric deficit, i.e consume less calories than your body currently uses (do not confuse with starving!) In order to do that you have to make healthy alternatives for every food, with foods which has low-calorific values, or high protein foods, which are usually more satiating and useful for your body's daily activities.


How often have you heard people say “ CARBS ARE BAD FOR YOU”, No your ignorance is bad for you ! Use your brains people, carbs can be your friend if you use them wisely. Next time you are opting for a carby meal, just chose carbs which are low on the glycemic index, like sweet potatoes, oatmeals and brown rice. They are not only gonna help you get abs, but also help regulate your insulin levels.


Dont eat everything at a single go, its not your last day on this planet. Instead plan and divide your meals throughout the day, it will help you boost your metabolism, which aids in fat loss and in turn helps you reveal those bad boys !


If you are planning to get abs, one thing you have to get rid off, ALCOHOL!

Alcohol and abs never get along, because alcohol aids in the secretion of cortisol, the hormone responsible for depression and halts the production of Testosterone, which is detrimental to your fitness goals. Hence if you want abs alcohol is a no go!


Inorder to get those abs defined and pop out, you have to work on your core strenght; for that you need to do some core/abdominal workouts such as crunches, flutterkicks, planks,leg raises and V-sit ups.

CARDIO (Sorry for the Reality Check)

Remeber when i told you, you have to eat at a caloric deficit, you can further boost it by doing regular cardio vascular activities like running, jogging and...

ahem...( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)  

Bottom line is cardio helps keep your heart rates stable, helps in fat loss, and quite the obvious, helps you get ABS !

So put your spray tan on and get the tightest speedo available...because you and the bad boys are gonna raise global warming to a different level this summer when you hit the beach !

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