Five Food combinations you should strictly avoid

It is not just over eating that can make you ill but even your choice of food might have a huge impact on your health. Therefore, choosing the right combination of food is essential as your digestive systems functioning properly also depends on the combination of food you may be consuming at the same time. There are some deadly combinations which have the potential to affect your health.

Some of these combinations would be:

Pudding and Wine: Combining alcohol and pudding is one of the deadliest things you can do. Not only does it increase the sugar level alarmingly but also makes you pile on the pounds.

Yogurt and Fruits: For people who suffer from allergies, consuming yogurt and fruits together can adversely affect your health to a large extent.

Tomatoes and starchy carbs: The acid present in tomatoes and the carbohydrate present in starchy food is not just a bad combination but is one of the worst combinations imaginable.

Starch and Animal Protein: Animal protein and starch both are heavy foods and full of carbohydrates and protein. The consumption of both of these together can cause problems in digestion as the enzymes clash with each other.

Cough medicine and Lime: Intake of lime and cough medicine at the same time can cause insomnia and hallucinations.

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