In a frightening incident last Sunday night, a dangerous fire erupted underneath a residential building in South Kolkata's Lake Avenue. The blaze, which began around 1 a.m., sent shockwaves through the neighbourhood, prompting residents to evacuate onto the streets. The fire originated from a stack of hay stored beneath the building, quickly spreading to a nearby restaurant. Firefighters struggled for several hours to bring the situation under control, with the added challenge of illegally parked taxis obstructing access to the scene.
This incident sheds light on a broader issue of illegal parking plaguing the area. Despite complaints from local residents, authorities have failed to enforce parking regulations effectively, allowing chaotic parking practices to persist unchecked. However, in response to this incident, efforts are being made to crack down on illegal parking. Until recently, promises of action through a mobile app remained unfulfilled, leaving residents frustrated and vulnerable to such emergencies.
Eyewitnesses report seeing two fire engines swiftly arrive at the scene, only to find their access hindered by the gridlocked street. Further complicating matters, the precise cause of the fire remains unknown, raising concerns about safety standards in the area. Meanwhile, locals express frustration over the commercial use of residential spaces for parking, highlighting the risks posed by such practices.
Debashis Basu, a resident, voices concerns over the perilous consequences of allowing vehicles to be parked beneath residential buildings. Despite repeated attempts to reach out to the building's owner for comment, no response has been received, leaving many questions unanswered.
As authorities vow to take decisive action against illegal parking, residents remain hopeful that measures will be implemented swiftly to prevent such incidents from occurring in the future. However, the lingering uncertainty surrounding the enforcement of parking regulations serves as a stark reminder of the need for greater vigilance and accountability in urban planning and governance.