In yet another alarming incident in the bustling city, a frightening fire outbreak occurred early Wednesday morning near Central Avenue, close to Mohammad Ali Park. A tanker carrying fuel overturned, igniting the volatile contents within. Tragically, the driver of the tanker lost his life in the blaze.
The circumstances leading to the tanker catching fire are perplexing. Eyewitnesses reported that in the predawn hours, a tanker carrying fuel approached Central Avenue at high speed. Suddenly, near Mohammad Ali Park, the tanker's tyre burst, causing it to lose control. The driver, unable to regain control, collided with a house situated by the roadside, causing a spark. Subsequently, flames engulfed the tanker within moments.
The fire swiftly spread to an adjacent house, though thankfully, it was unoccupied except for a surgical supply shop, which incurred significant damage.
Initial efforts to contain the fire proved challenging. Two fire engines arrived promptly but struggled to bring the blaze under control. Subsequently, eight additional fire engines were deployed, totaling ten engines working simultaneously. Despite the concerted effort, progress was minimal until foam was utilised to effectively suppress the flames.
The densely populated area heightened concerns about the fire spreading further, prompting a swift response from the fire brigade. By 7 a.m., the fire was successfully contained, thanks to the tireless efforts of the firefighters.
Authorities have confirmed the unfortunate demise of the tanker driver at the scene. Further investigations are underway to determine if there were any other individuals present in the tanker at the time of the incident.
This incident has left the residents of the entire area shaken, highlighting the need for stringent safety measures and preparedness in the face of such calamities.