Fast Acting Cholera Vaccine Discovered to Curb Outbreaks

The discovery of Haiti V vaccine will aid a number of patients and this will certainly limit the possibility of an outbreak. The experiment was initially conducted on a rabbit.

“We think this is going to be a very good vaccine and could induce immunity after a single dose. Cholera is an intestinal infection that can quickly kill without treatment. The disease is caused by Vibrio cholerae, a form of bacteria that takes up residence in the small intestine and produce toxins that can trigger vomiting and diarrhea, leading to severe dehydration,” said Matthew Waldor, a microbiologist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in the US.

While making the vaccine, some sophisticated genetic tricks were introduced. The team decided to produce a new-fangled version of the vaccine as a protective shield with a toothless V cholera.

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