Exercise Benefits Whom: Older Men or Women?

We all know that regular physical activities can keep you on the sunnier side for a longer period of time. Every doctor suggests exercises for the proper growth and development of the body. Even at an old age exercise is a must. It is just that there will be few changes in the forms of exercises.

Do you know that older men will be more benefitted than post-menopausal women by the dint of physical exertion? Scientists are focusing on this aspect for a pretty long time and as per their preliminary findings, the arterial toughness is comparatively more in women than men. Therefore, this problem can cause profound heart diseases.

It is proved that physical exercises even at old age can reduce the hardening of the arteries. Adaptability of men and women differ after a certain age. It is widely known to all that regular exercise can reduce the chances of cardiovascular diseases to some extent but to be honest it does not really benefit the blood vessels of the women who have already went beyond menopause.

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