The ongoing higher secondary examinations of the current academic year have concluded, marking the end of an era for thousands of students in West Bengal. With the dust settling on the examination halls, the state's Education Minister, Bratya Basu, wasted no time in setting the stage for the upcoming year. He officially declared the examination dates for the 2025 higher secondary examinations, igniting anticipation and preparation among students and educators alike.
According to the announcement made by Minister Basu, the higher secondary examinations for the year 2025 will commence on the 3rd of March and conclude on the 18th of March. This carefully planned schedule aims to provide ample time for students to prepare and perform to the best of their abilities.
In a recent press interaction held at the Vikash Bhavan, Minister Basu, along with Chiranjib Bhattacharya, the Chairman of the Higher Secondary Education Council, expressed satisfaction with the smooth conduct of this year's examinations. They reassured stakeholders that the results of the ongoing examinations would be announced within the next three months.
Furthermore, Minister Basu shed light on some notable changes in the examination process for the upcoming year. Emphasising the importance of adapting to the evolving educational landscape, he revealed plans to introduce examinations for two new subjects: artificial intelligence and data science. This forward-thinking approach reflects the government's commitment to aligning the curriculum with the demands of the modern world.
The released examination routine provides a detailed roadmap for the duration of the examinations. Commencing with the language papers on the 3rd of March, the examinations will cover a wide array of subjects, including vocational studies, economics, physics, nutrition education, and accounting, among others. Each day will witness students delving into different realms of knowledge, showcasing their proficiency in various academic disciplines.
In addition to unveiling the examination dates, Minister Basu also addressed concerns regarding examination centres and logistics. He assured that necessary measures would be taken to ensure a conducive and secure environment for all candidates. Notably, he highlighted the deployment of mobile units to facilitate examinations for students in remote areas, reflecting the government's commitment to inclusivity and accessibility in education.
As the countdown to the 2025 higher secondary examinations begins, students across West Bengal are gearing up to embark on a journey of learning, perseverance, and achievement. With the support of educators, parents, and policymakers, they aim to conquer academic challenges and emerge as future leaders poised to shape the destiny of the nation.