Amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life, each day passes unnoticed for renowned dancer Dona Ganguly. However, this time, Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee has paved the way for her husband, Sourav Ganguly, to witness Dona's performance at the inaugural ceremony of the 29th Kolkata International Film Festival at Netaji Indoor Stadium, starting at 4 PM on December 5.
The festival, a Bollywood star-studded affair, usually sees the presence of Amitabh Bachchan and Shah Rukh Khan. However, this year, their absence is noted. Instead, luminaries such as Salman Khan, Kamal Haasan, Anil Kapoor, Mahesh Bhatt, Shatrughan Sinha, and Sonakshi Sinha are expected to grace the occasion.
DonSona Ganguly, a seasoned artist, will showcase her dance talents at the event for the first time. Previously, she has presented various dance forms at film festival inaugurations and closing ceremonies. This year, she has chosen to perform to the tune of a song titled,’Ei Prithibi, Ektai Desh', composed and penned by Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee, sung by Palak Muchhal.
Expressing her excitement, Dona shared that the students from her dance school, "Dikshamanjari," will join her in the performance. Her husband, Sourav Ganguly, who usually misses her shows due to work commitments, is expected to attend this time, making Dona especially delighted.
Approximately 150 to 200 students from Dona's dance school will be part of the performance. Following the event, the audience at Netaji Indoor Stadium will be treated to the screening of the film 'Deya Neya,' directed by Sunil Banerjee, celebrating its 60th anniversary. The movie features stellar performances by Uttam Kumar, Tanuja, Tarun Kumar, and other distinguished actors.