In the heart of Cooch Behar district lies a small but charming aviary known as "Rasikbeel Mini Zoo." Despite its modest size, this sanctuary boasts a unique feature: it serves as a breeding centre for gharials. Over the years, several gharials have been born here, captivating visitors with their prehistoric charm.
What sets Rasikbeel apart is its unparalleled natural beauty, which effortlessly enchants anyone who steps foot within its boundaries. During the winter months, the lake within the mini zoo witnesses the arrival of a myriad of migratory birds. These feathered visitors easily win the hearts of bird enthusiasts and romantic pairs, who flock to witness their captivating displays.
Rasikbeel Mini Zoo is a popular destination for tourists, attracting crowds each winter season. The current ticket prices are very affordable, with tickets priced at ₹25 for adults and ₹10 for children. Visitors can reach the zoo by car or bike, ensuring accessibility for all.
However, it's worth noting that there is no designated parking inside the zoo. Fortunately, parking zones are available just outside the park, making it convenient for visitors to leave their vehicles. Rasikbeel Mini Zoo plays a significant role in promoting tourism in Cooch Behar district, offering an unforgettable experience to those who explore its grounds.
Beyond the stunning avian residents, Rasikbeel Mini Zoo is home to various other wildlife species, including reptiles like snakes and marsh crocodiles. The zoo's premises also host elegant creatures like spotted deer and Indian foxes.
Many visitors speak highly of this hidden gem, emphasising its natural beauty and the diversity of animal life it shelters. They express their fascination with the ever-evolving ecosystem and the constant influx of new animal arrivals, making Rasikbeel a dynamic and ever-enticing attraction.
In addition to the captivating wildlife, the mini-zoo features a beautiful pond at its rear. This pond comes alive during various seasons as it hosts a delightful array of migratory birds. These avian residents add an extra layer of charm to the already picturesque Rasikbeel Mini Zoo.
In summary, Rasikbeel Mini Zoo in Cooch Behar district is a must-visit destination for nature lovers and wildlife enthusiasts. Its unique combination of natural beauty and diverse animal life makes it an irresistible attraction in the region. So, when exploring Cooch Behar district, be sure not to miss out on the enchanting experience that Rasikbeel Mini Zoo has to offer.