Cool Stomach Keeps Mind Unflappable

This is in fact the season where you are actually destined to appear in a number of wedding occasions and festivals that are circling around you. So it is quite evident that stomach reaches its limit and starts showing its own rules.  Therefore, it becomes your liability to pamper it every now and then so that you can relish the festivity without any physical menace.

Here are seven tips to keep you fit and healthy in this forthcoming spring

  1. Try and avoid foods that contain fat and glut carbohydrate when you are at home. Make sure you eat foods that cool you down like cucumber, green leafy vegetables, zucchini, asparagus and broccoli.
  2. Fruits like grapes, mangoes, cherries, peaches, avocados, pineapples, and guava are just next to perfect foods this season; (If available). Don’t forget to take at least one fruit every day.
  3. Avoid taking excess of butter, ghee, oil and foods made out of these.
  4. Keep the lunch and dinner times fixed and try not to modify the meal times. Change in food timing can result in stomach upset or intestinal problems.
  5. Exercise is must. Extract at least 15 minutes a day to do some physical moves. Free hand exercise would also do well to your body.
  6. Sidestep taking ice cream and cold drinks unnecessarily. Even too much of hard drinks can harm your regular body activities.
  7. As mind and body is co related, it is important to keep your mind cool. Try meditation every day. Do not lose your temper for no reason. Smile to everyone and keep your cool.

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