Clean city in West Bengal: Which is the cleanest city in West Bengal?

A clean and hygienic society is something we all desire. But which is the cleanest city in West Bengal?

The 2023 Swachh Bharat city rankings have been released by India's Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs. In these rankings, West Bengal’s city Baidyabati is selected in the top spot in the state in terms of cleanliness.

This survey was conducted among nearly 100,000 cities across India. Among them, Baidyabati ranked 426th in the country and first in the state. According to the report card, Baidyabati completed around 96% of door-to-door garbage collection and utilized approximately 83% of waste by categorizing it as biodegradable and non-biodegradable. 83% of public toilets and 94% of residential and market areas were clean.

In last year September, a 16-member delegation from the central ministry visited Baidyabati. They spent nearly a week observing the city's waste disposal, segregation, and recycling processes. Based on this survey, Baidyabati earned the title of the cleanest city in West Bengal.

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