Change In Visiting Hours At Indian Museum

The 205-year old Indian Museum will remain open for a longer duration much to the delight of the visitors! Finally, an old British order is changing in the city, and the new timing schedule will be implemented from Friday. When the museum was opened for public display in 1814, it stayed unbolted till 4.30 pm during the winters and 5 pm during the summers. However, in keeping with the changing times, the seasonal timing has been done away with, and the premises will remain open for longer. Now, the visitors are allowed to stay till 6.30 pm on weekdays, and 8 pm on weekends, as per the new schedule.

It has been brought to the attention of the authorities that people are staying outdoors for longer hours, and they felt the new timings to be justified so that people can visit and spend a few hours more in one of the most popular destinations in Kolkata. Another change that has been brought into action is that the prices have been raised to Rs 50 from Rs 20, but the prices for students and young visitors till the age of 18 will remain unchanged.

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