The Metro Railway authority has recently decided to install CCTV cameras inside 15 AC metro rakes. This action is being taken after the Commissioner of Railway Safety (CRS) instructed the Metro Railway authorities to bring the AC rakes under surveillance as soon as possible. Kolkata metro has four more rakes, but fortunately, they are already fitted with CCTV cameras. A similar proposal was earlier sent to the railway board but it was not accepted and turned down. But now that this suggestion comes from the Commissioner of Railway Safety (CRS) to keep proper vigilance of the rakes, it is most likely that the board will accept the proposal. The Metro railway authority wants to install the CCTV cameras on the 13 older AC rakes and 2 of the new AC rakes which were manufactured by the Integral Coach Factory in Perambur. The authorities have plans to install four cameras in individual coaches and one in each of the driver cabins. The Metro officials will also be replacing the 2-megapixel CCTV cameras on the platforms with 5-megapixel CCTV cameras for better resolution.