Mishti-Doi is a very popular dessert in West Bengal and Bangladesh. We Bengalis take pride in Misti Doi. However, did you know Bengal’s favourite Mishti-Doi originated in Bulgaria! Well, now do not raise your eyebrows. Not all of us know that majority of Bengali’s sweet box originated in some European nation. You definitely know that that the yeast that helps make Mishti-Doi is called ‘Lacto bacillus’ and Bulgarikush is the one who taught the world how to make yoghurt. Interestingly, most Bulgarian dishes come with a yoghurt flavor. Bulgarians love their home-curd so much that they put it as a side dish with any of their meals throughout the day. Can you even believe they have a museum for yoghurts!
It is believed that almost 4,000 years ago Mishti-Doi was brought to Bulgaria by nomadic tribes in bags that were made from animal skin.
When was Mishti-Doi introduced to Bengalis?
Well, Mishti-Doi was introduced when the Mughals ruled India. It is believed that some merchant introduced it to the Sultans and that’s how Doi (Both sweet and sour) entered into the Bengali Kitchen (or `Henshel' in Bengal)