It has come to light that surely Mainak Bhaumick is comfortable working with Raima Sen. He has already worked with the actress in quite a number of films spanning over two-and-a-half years. But in case of her sister Riya Sen, he is working with the "tantrum queen" for the first time in Family Album.
When interrogated about his experience working with Riya, Mainak revealed that Raima is easy to work with and she is quiet obedient. However, it turns to be annoying when she declines to believe in her own talent. Anyway, it was Raima, who suggested that he should work with Riya and assured him that he would get along nicely with her sister just as he did with her. Later, when he included Riya in Family Album, some of his team members were a bit skeptical, due to the rumors about her being a “tantrum queen”, who departed the sets without any reason. Stunningly, she proved to be just the opposite! In fact, she sat and worked out her own make up to enter the character just the way he wanted. No doubt, she is a truly good team player.
Mainak admitted that both sisters, however, had a bit of 'insanity' quotient. In fact, they loves to choose someone and drive that person up to the wall! The director claimed that the duo does that to his associate director Prosenjit.
Anyway, according to Mainak, the sisters have different approaches to work. He disclosed that Raima has it in her, but requires prodding. On the other side, Riya is much more sure and emerges with her own ideas.
The director is all set to work in a future project involving both sisters. He opined with a smile that after working with both the sisters independently, he looks forward to work with them together in some project in the near future. Although, by the end of it they will end up in a mental asylum, but at least he will surely try once.