No matter how much we love parenting, it is not an easy task to raise a human being. Most parents notice the detrimental changes in the attitude of their children but fail to realize the possible reasons for the transformation. One of the reasons for the arrogance or changes in attitude may be because of bad parenting. All you need to realize is what exactly bad parenting is.
Read through the following checklist to steer clear of bad parenting:
1. More advice less encouragement is helpful in this regard. It is always advisable to encourage your kids rather than giving lectures and advice on what to do and what not to.
2. Try and avoid scolding or punishing your child in front of relatives and friends. While it is true that parents know what is best for children, but often parents end up demanding constant obedience and uses threats, shame and other punishments to enforce good behavior. These oppressive tactics are toxic for your kids.
3. Being affectionate is quite normal for every parent but showing too much affection can lead to disastrous results. Children whose every need is fulfilled at the drop of a hat may make them overly demanding and dependant. Overprotected children carry these habits into adulthood and become incapable of making decisions on their own.
4. Do not always have a criticizing tone. Many parents believe that this will keep their children on their toes but these methods create a negative impact on your children.
5. You must understand that they are kids and they are growing with time. They have separate feelings and they too have mood swings. Try to appreciate their activities and assure them that you are aware of their needs and demands.
It’s an informed choice that you need to make in order to be a great role model for your kids. Managing your children wisely is the key to good parenting and having a mentally and physically healthy family.