Edge of sports

With all the hype raging on about the Football World Cup, it is implausible and unjustified to assume that an average sports-lover could extend his perception beyond the emerald field and goalposts. However, it’s a strange world with stranger activities. Apart from the established ones, there are certain sports which are not only challenges to the human constitution but are also too weird to comprehend.

Let’s take a look at a few of these bizarre sports which are mostly obscure while their names and formats are steeped in irony:

5. Bog snorkelling:

Bog snorkelling:
Obnoxious yet unorthodox, bog snorkelling involves participants diving in a bog (an expanse of a marshland), a 120-feet muddy trench and swim along using a snorkel and a pair of flippers in LLanwrtyd Wells in Wales.

4. Man versus horse marathon:

Man versus horse marathon:
This Welsh sport is apparently about man proving Darwin’s survival of the fittest theory correct. Highly unusual and monumentally incredible, this 35-km race pits people against horses and their equestrians across a relatively wild landscape of streams, woods and hills.

3. Street luge:

Street luge:
A high-octane form of skateboarding, street luge uses gravity rather than defying it in a downhill slide on a board. Skill, daring and oblivious speed intersect in this extreme sport.

2. Extreme ironing:

Extreme ironing:
Want creaseless shirts for your white-collar job? The oxymoron heightens the perilous situations in which adrenaline-spiked adventurers take an iron and board to do the laundry. This can involve ironing on car roofs and tree-tops and even on mountain-tops or while skydiving!

1. Sepaktakdrew:

If a ball-oriented game can ever get close to martial arts, it’s this Southeast Asian sport. Sepaktakdrew has its nomenclature roots in Malay and Thai, roughly meaning ‘kicking the rattan ball’. Players can use their legs, head and torso but hands and try to deliver the ball in each other’s court. Veritably, it’s a more challenging version of volleyball, though without the use of hands.

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