People worldwide eat a lot of bizarre things that can prove fatal. But the unusual rarely discourage people.
10. Casu Marzu (consumed in Italy): Huge chunks of cheese which contain larvae.

9. Sannakji (consumed in Korea): Pieces of baby octopus can turn out to be fatal if not chewed properly, because they keep on moving even after being cut and can choke you to death.

8. Raw Cashew (consumed Worldwide): The cashews found in supermarket are actually first steamed for removing a chemical called ‘urushiol’ which can cause acute dermatitis.

7. Blood clams (consumed in China): They ingest viruses and bacteria that causes hepatitis A, E, typhoid and dysentery.

6. Bullfrogs (consumed in Namibia): The toxins that these creatures contain can cause kidney failure.

5. Echizen Kurage (consumed in Japan): This giant jelly fish is included in the Japanese diet as ice cream. If the poison is not removed properly then it can be fatal.

4. Fesikh (consumed in Egypt): It is a fish delicacy which is a spring festival food prepared by drying them under the sun and fermenting in salt. It can cause severe food poisoning.

3. Monkey brain (consumed in China): Having the brains raw or cooked can cause transmissible encephalopathies, a nervous disorder.

2. Fugu Fish (consumed in Japan): The poison of the fish paralyzes and asphyxiates humans.

1. Elderberries (consumed worldwide): It contains cyanide in the leaves, twigs and seeds and unripe berries cause diarrhoea and seizures.